Is asbestos hazardous to your health?
AYes, exposure to asbestos is known to cause asbestosis and various forms of cancer. Typically, symptoms do not show up for 20 to 40 years after a person was first exposed to the asbestos.
Can I remove asbestos myself?
AAll of our staff needs specific training and certification before we are allowed to remove asbestos.  Though it is possible to remove it, the risks are significant.  We recommend hiring a staff that is trained, certified and insured.
Where do you dispose of asbestos material? 
AAsbestos material can only be disposed of at a landfill that has been approved by the government.
Can I put asbestos roofing or siding material in an open-top dumpster?
ANo. As previously mentioned, asbestos materials must be properly packaged as disposed of, according to the law.
Is there a waiting period to have my work done? 
AExcept in an emergency, there are cases where you may need to wait 10 days.  Please call us to discuss.
Do I have to vacate my home or office to remove asbestos? 
ANot always.  Depending on the situation, you may be able to stay in your home or office.